Tuesday, September 29, 2009

John Woo Scouting Canada for Land of Destiny

Director John Woo (Windtalkers) is said to be looking again at the Calgary area as the principal backdrop for his period drama Land of Destiny.

"We had thought we'd be filming exclusively in Los Angeles, but I just got a new script that makes me want to look at Calgary again," Woo tells the Calgary Sun from the Vancouver set of Paycheck, the sci-fi thriller he's shooting with Ben Affleck.

"...What has impressed me even more is the excitement the Alberta Film Commission has in wanting us to film in the (province). They have sent me some incredible location shots. It definitely makes me want to come and see them for myself. We told them we were hoping to begin filming in February and would need a lot of snow. They assured me, that's one thing they could deliver."

"Destiny" is set in America in 1860 during the building of the railway. It focuses on a group of Chinese labourers and their Irish counterparts who have been brought to American expressly to build the railway.

"It is not a western, but an epic drama hopefully filled with warmth and powerful emotions," says Woo.

Woo has been developing this picture for Chow Yun-Fat and Nicolas Cage is still attached, but Cage won't be able to get to Calgary until the fall.

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