Monday, September 7, 2009

Empire of the Sun movie on DVD

Release Date: 1987
Genre: Drama, War
Cast: Array, Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson, Nigel Havers, Joe Pantoliano, Leslie Phillips, Masat� Ibu, Emily Richard, Rupert Frazer, Peter Gale, Takatoro Kataoka, Ben Stiller, David Neidorf, Ralph Seymour, Robert Stephens
An aristocratic British youth is seperated from his family at the start of World War II after the Japanese Army invades British controlled areas of China. Reduced to living on the street and fighting for food, the youth is eventually interned in a Japanese POW camp for British civilians. Here, admiration quickly develops both for captured American pilots and the Japanese themselves. When the war ends, the boy torn from everything he knew attempts to again find his parents.

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